Beautyknot ~ My Skin Care Diary

Archive for December 21st, 2009

Hanskin Magic BB cream main

Korea BB (Blemish Balm) cream usually comes with several versions, most common versions included basic, glossy, pearly, premium (anti-aging plus whitening) …etc. I received this sample of Hanskin Magic BB Cream as GWP, not sure what the version is, but I believe this is the basic version, whereby the Super Magic BB cream that I reviewed previously is premium version that included whitening, wrinkle care and sun protection.

Hanskin Magic BB cream application method

Since Hanskin is gaining high popularity in Asia, so I’m able to tell a little bit more about it now. All ingredients used for Hanskin BB cream are available locally in Korea, extracted via advanced technology, contains no colorant, no artificial fragrance, no alcohol and no preservatives. I’ve no English ingredient list, however it claims to have Vitamin E, Hyaluronic Acid, Citrus, Licorice and other plant extracts according to the packaging.

Hanskin Magic BB cream content

Although the shade is quite pale, but it blended into skin naturally by matching my skin tone automatically. Skin looked dewy, even up and brighten up. Basically no coverage to the skin imperfections. Sorry for my pictures couldn’t show the real finish accurately.

before - skin after sunblock

before - skin after sunblock

after- fresh application

after- fresh application

No wonder the common recommended practice is to use BB cream as base, follow by concealer then set by powder. I didn’t aim to have flawless skin, so I never bothered the last two steps.  This BB cream claims the skin will remain fresh in summer weather and after sweating, hmm… I was tempting to see how true the claim.

Test the sample in a less humid day (sunny, humidity <60%). Well, I applied Magic BB cream on left side of my face and Super Magic BB cream on the right. After 6 hours in normal room temperature, both sides became more dewy, not the oily shine, but it looked acceptable on my dry-combination skin in dry season.

Later I went to half an hour gym at my place. Sweat a lot, noticing the BB creams was really water-resistant, the sweat appeared clear while sliding down my face! Even though I gently blotted the face with tissue, it showed very faint stain on the tissue. Inevitably the face did look oily shine in the gym, but back to normal after tissue blotting.

Hanskin BB Cream Comparison

Hanskin Magic BB cream compare

Left: Super Magic;  Right: Magic

Hanskin Magic BB cream compare-1

Left: Super Magic;  Right: Magic

Hanskin Magic BB cream compare-2

My hand was very dry during the testing, but I purposely didn’t prime it with anything in order to justify the best of these two BB creams.


From above mentioned comparison, did you notice the Super Magic BB cream has better moisture than Magic BB cream? When tested on face, Super Magic BB cream was blurring the fine lines satisfactory upon applying it , where Magic BB cream was quite drying to highlight them, however skin looked better moisturized after start to excrete sebum. Therefore, Magic BB cream is suitable for oilier skin, while Super Magic BB cream for drier skin.

Hanskin Magic BB cream

As a conclusion, I still not fond of BB cream. BB cream obviously is makeup more than skin care, I could have a proper foundation for better polished skin, not to say many foundation nowaday tend to be skin care friendly. May be I haven’t met my ideal BB cream.

December 2009

My apology

Hi, many things have been keeping my mind and time occupied these days, thus I need more time to response to all comments. Please bear with me, thank you.

:::::::::::::::: Mood :::::::::::::::

My Skin Profile

Sensitive, combination skin type, visible blood vessels, freckles, easily dehydrated, dry and having fine line undereye, occasional breakout, visible aging pores.



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