Beautyknot ~ My Skin Care Diary

Archive for November 23rd, 2009

Kleenex Aloe and E tissue1

I wonder how many people will pay extra for a box of premium tissue. As I use facial tissue everyday, thus normally I would buy those are really soft and smooth one because some facial tissues are really rash for sensitive skin.


Kleenex Aloe and E tissue2

Kleenex Aloe and E tissue7


I love three-ply tissue, less clingling issue of lint to the skin. Received this three-ply premium facial tissue as part of my beauty shopping’s free gift.  It enriched with Aloe Vera and Vitamin E for skin soothing. Sounds skin care savvy but that is not the unique feature to me.


Kleenex Aloe and E tissue3

Kleenex Aloe and E tissue4


Look at the shimmers! Underlying under a dim light, it simply looked like a piece of snow glittering gown with million micro-cystals studded, GORGEOUS! (Never thought the word for a piece of tissue paper!)


Kleenex Aloe and E tissue6


So, the pearly-particles do actually stick some on skin if examined the skin closely. Despite its luxurious, I just treated it as normal facial tissue. Kleenex Aloe & E Facial Tissue is available at Central Food Hall and Tops Supermarket in Thailand, THB119 for a package where each package contains three boxes.


November 2009

My apology

Hi, many things have been keeping my mind and time occupied these days, thus I need more time to response to all comments. Please bear with me, thank you.

:::::::::::::::: Mood :::::::::::::::

My Skin Profile

Sensitive, combination skin type, visible blood vessels, freckles, easily dehydrated, dry and having fine line undereye, occasional breakout, visible aging pores.



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